Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Good Life

Financially things aren't so great but the rest of my life is pretty fantastic and I haven't shared that fact much. I have a loving supportive husband who treats me so tenderly. I have a beautiful, incredibly intelligent and talented daughter. A solid/warm home, yummy food available to make and eat. I live in America. Plenty of seasonal clothing and good comfy shoes. Lots of family near and far and great friends who love and support me. Eyeglasses to see are a big bonus. The list goes on, yet what I am most grateful for is knowing I have a loving Heavenly Father cheering me on and guiding me towards goodness. I may not understand all He does or allows to happen but I know He loves me no matter what. That knowledge brings an indescribable peace into my heart and I feel I have been taking all this for granted by not acknowledging all this and complaining too much.

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