Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Being sick stinks!

I started this year really well. I was feeling so healthy most of the year and then BAM! I got bronchitis in early September. Just as I was feeling better, oh, for maybe two weeks....BAM! Bronchitis again and a sinus infection too. Then a week of blissful wellness, then BAM! A minor head cold. It was nothing compared to the previous illnesses...except it just kept lingering. Now I have transitioned from that simple head cold to heaven only knows what now. BAM! Sick again. At least I was healthy-ish for my Thanksgiving holiday weekend. I really hate being this sick. So very tired, even after a nap, achy, headaches, congestion, etc. I just keep praying, "just please let it not be the flu" Here's hoping.


Carolanne said...

I hate being sick! I'm so sorry! It's especially hard when the kids won't slow down for you. Hope you feel better soon.

Amanda said...

Thanks Carolanne