Monday, December 21, 2009

Pictures to go with former blogs I have posted

So I finally figured out how to post pictures up on a blog. I will add pictures from now on. It's funny how dumb I feel when I realize how easy something has been the whole time if I had just taken the time to figure it out. The pictures of Rachel sleeping and carrying a branch are from the camping trip; the picture the kids in leaves was the one I was talking about; and the one of me sewing is pretty self explanatory-I love sewing.

1 comment:

Carolanne said...

I was scared to start blogging because I was afraid I would never be able to figure things out. It takes a little bit of time to learn the ropes, so don't be too hard on yourself. I still can't get video posts to work and I just gave up, so if you figure it out, send some tips my way. :)