Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 9

Something I'm proud of in the last few days....

Not yelling at the kids. Sometimes watching so many little ones can be a bit stressful. When I first started daycare I would give in and yell at them to 'knock it off' and such. Nothing too awful but I really hated myself for raising my voice. I think it's wrong and shouldn't be done and yet I would do it. Not yelling is a goal I have been working on for a while now and with time and practice, have been improving. I have also been reading a lot about 'good practices' for discipline and taking classes about child development particularly concerning the ages 18mos to 5 years. I know this increase of knowledge has helped a great deal. For nearly a month I have refrained from yelling at the daycare children. It's been pretty great. Sure they still get a bit crazy but I am handling it better...and if needed, I take a time out in another room for myself, take a few deep breaths and then go back to talk to them about their behavior. I've also noticed an increase of my tolerance and patience with them. The kids and I are liking the new me.


Carolanne said...

Way to go! I yell at my kids. I should probably stop. If you can do it with half a dozen daycare kids, I should be able to manage with my two.

Amanda said...

Carolanne, it's hard! So practice, practice, practice.