Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 25

what I would find in your bag:

Hmmm, likely a bunch of junk.

Well, I dumped it all out and arranged it for you. Of course there were Joann Fabric adds and coupons; Gum, lots of gum; Hawaiian punch singles to add to bottled water (mmm); a small first aid kit; the program from Grandma Strong's funeral; old shopping lists; then the various other items that naturally occur in most bags and way too many old receipts. There you have it. I bet it could all fit in a smaller purse. Time to go shopping.


Carolanne said...

Um. Wow. I can't believe that all fit in there. I'm going to start calling you Mary Poppins.

Jason Strong said...

Yeah, she has such... things. And she's crazy, she actually tells me to get stuff out of her bag from time to time. I was raised to NEVER do that. A woman's purse is a sacred shrine. And a labyrinth. And a bear trap.