Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 1

Photo taken 27 Feb 2011

15 interesting things about myself:

1. I'd rather eat cereal for dinner than cook something for a picky eater.

2. I love being on an airplane.

3. I've been to Mexico twice but never went sight seeing (went to visit family).

4. I chose not to finish college because I got sick of doing so much homework.

5. I love to be creative -sewing, making jewelry, knitting, crocheting, doing calligraphy...

6. I enjoy organizing other people's stuff. If I walk into disarray - the whole time I am there I am dying to pick up and organize. I am not disgusted by their messes, I just like organizing.

7. I hate cleaning the tub and the toilet (anywhere).

8. I had to start wearing glasses in the 6th grade.

9. I think I am boring and am baffled when others think I am not.

10. I never took a class but I enjoy taking photographs.

11. I don't like to scrapbook.

12. I recently lost my engagement ring.

13. My most favorite thing to do is be a mother.

14. I hate to sweat.

15. Redwoods are my favorite trees.

I took a survey and to find out what my friends thought was interesting about me and here's what some of them said:

Dawn-my love of baking baffles her
Josh and Glenda-no matter where a camera is, if it's taking a picture, I know where to look
Melissa-my never ending patience and generosity
Shar-how well I sew

Thanks for sharing everyone. Feel free to add nice things to the list. I am a bit of a narcissist so I love to hear about me.


Carolanne said...

I hate the tub too! There is something really disgusting about a caked on film of soap and skills cells that I just can't get excited about removing.*shudder* of course my aversion only makes it worse.

You should add that you make excellent home made jam to the list. I ate the stuff you gave us so fast that Zack didn't get a chance to try any. Yum! SO glad you decided to do this. Can't wait to learn more!

Carolanne said...

Make that "skin cells". I type too fast and review too slowly. Sorry!

Jason Strong said...

I like your list. Even if I happen to be the picky eater that you spoke of (eyes rolling). But at least I cook for myself more than I used to.

I love you Amanda.