Thursday, November 18, 2010


Sometimes I make noise (like humming, whistling, or the odd verbal comments) just to bug my husband. It's fun. When we were dating he was all politeness but after the wedding...
It's sometimes as if he is making up for being an only child by the way he teases, pokes, tickles and junk like that and it drives me absolutely bananas! I tell him I already have a brother and yet he keeps on with it. Ugh! I finally one day just hauled off and hit him the way I did my brother back in the day to give him a taste of having a sibling. He didn't like that at all. I explained why after the fact and there has been a lot less 'sibling' behavior....but once in a while he'll poke at me...and I make noise in return. Then everyone is happy. It's fun.


Melissa y Robb said...

3 mo of no post and all you give us is this... hmmmmm We deserve more.

Amanda said...

Okay. Watch for more tomorrow...whiner.

Jason Strong said...

Yeah, but your noises are cute, and my tickling is innocent, I just forget that you don't like it sometimes. I love you.

Carolanne said...

Don't you just love it? Zack has a bad habit of picking on the smallest person in the room, which was me for the longest time. I tell him I had kids just so he would leave me alone. Now the boys get all of his tickles and pokes and everybody's happy :)