Thursday, January 5, 2012

Being a Mature Adult

In my opinion, a mature adult:

-open to new ideas
-not prejudiced against race, lifestyles, religions, etc.
-living as an example of their beliefs
-willing to agree to disagree
-thinks revenge is unnecessary
-keeps negative comments to self
-yet can be honest in a positive or kind way
-shows appreciation for the service given to them
-humble enough to accept help
-able to give without expecting anything in return
-capable of saying no when needed
-able to say yes when appropriate
-keeps all obligations agreed to or makes arrangements as needed to change them
-accountable for their actions; does not blame others for the poor life choices they have made
-defends those who cannot for themselves (i.e.children, disabled, shy, emotionally distressed etc)
-doesn't complain but looks for solutions
-accepts change as a reliable constant
-speaks up for themselves without arguing
-stands up for their beliefs/standards etc in a peaceful manner
-not passive-aggressive
-recognizes their own faults and is willing to work on improving themselves
-accepts and loves themselves in a humble way and not afraid to show their self-acceptance
-willing to laugh at themselves; not take self too seriously
-has a great work ethic
-willing to go the extra mile, offer help
-does service without needing/desiring recognition
-gives a kind word to all they know or meet
-refrains from beginning or spreading gossip
-refrains from foul language
-may feel hurt but lets go of negative comments others have made
-open to love and gives love and friendship
-knows that modesty is a choice not everyone is taught and looks past the clothing of others to get to know the person
-willing to let go of a negative first impression to find the good in others
-may be vulnerable
-willing to mentor those who need/want someone to learn from and not be self righteous about it
-humble and willing to apologize
-makes mistakes, does all can to fix them or learn from them and moves on
-is humble enough to acknowledge a Higher Power exists.

I still aspire to be all these things. Everyone has all these potentials within and may have mastered some, many or all of these things. There has only been one perfect human on this earth. He lived more than two thousand years ago. He is my example. I love our Savior, Jesus Christ. I am sorry to anyone I may offend with my less than perfect behavior. I offer my gratitude to all those who call me friend.