Monday, December 21, 2009

Pictures to go with former blogs I have posted

So I finally figured out how to post pictures up on a blog. I will add pictures from now on. It's funny how dumb I feel when I realize how easy something has been the whole time if I had just taken the time to figure it out. The pictures of Rachel sleeping and carrying a branch are from the camping trip; the picture the kids in leaves was the one I was talking about; and the one of me sewing is pretty self explanatory-I love sewing.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


I just want to say: Rachel is the best little kid. I love my daughter so much. She is startlingly intelligent, creative, clever, and has an ability to comprehend things beyond her age. I love to listen to her make up little songs and 'prattle' about a variety of topics. Sure I have days I have gotten frustrated with her and such but she's just being a 3 year old. I just take a step back to remember that and I can't help but calm down and smile again. I thank Heavenly Father for the incredible gift of motherhood to such a wonderful daughter, my Rachel.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Being sick stinks!

I started this year really well. I was feeling so healthy most of the year and then BAM! I got bronchitis in early September. Just as I was feeling better, oh, for maybe two weeks....BAM! Bronchitis again and a sinus infection too. Then a week of blissful wellness, then BAM! A minor head cold. It was nothing compared to the previous illnesses...except it just kept lingering. Now I have transitioned from that simple head cold to heaven only knows what now. BAM! Sick again. At least I was healthy-ish for my Thanksgiving holiday weekend. I really hate being this sick. So very tired, even after a nap, achy, headaches, congestion, etc. I just keep praying, "just please let it not be the flu" Here's hoping.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


I love to sew. My passion truly lies in making period costumes...especially Renaissance and pioneer styles. I also love making all types of clothing. I don't like alterations, replacing zippers or tying quilts. Currently I have made a queen size quilt as a Christmas gift for someone close to me. It is very simple, all pieced 5 inch squares and one large piece for the back. I top stitched the top layer for decorative purposes but will tie the whole thing to quilt it. It is hard on my fingers which is why I don't like to do it. It is for someone who really likes the look of a tied quilt which is the only reason I am doing it this way. I hope this person likes it. The part I love most about sewing anything is the end outcome and nearly always what I make is for someone else. That is the most satisfying part for me, giving it away and seeing someone smile and feeling the love with which it was made.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Autumn leaves...

Ahhhh, Autumn. Such a lovely smell of change is in the air. I love this time of year when the weather cools and the color of the leaves change to all the various hues of gold, red, pale green and shades of brown. My shoulders are getting back in shape from all the raking I have been doing for the past two weeks. The kids are having so much fun in the piles. I thought I would try to capture their joy by bringing out the camera. They were on to me and began making serious faces and side glances as if to say, "Yeah right, keep trying, hahaha!" At least they let me position them in the leaves. It was fun for me and for them until it was time to click. Oh well.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Time Flies when your busy...

I just realized I hadn't written a word for over a year. Such a shame too because so much life has transpired. I discovered facebook and my goals of blogging regularly fell to the wayside... far, far to the wayside. Se la vie!
My new cousin, Carolanne is an inspiration. She not only writes regularly but is clever and witty. A bit intimidating but then I thought to myself, we are all blessed with different talents. She is an amazing writer and my talents lay elsewhere. I am satisfied with that...most of the time. My friend Melissa now blogs too and she has such a way with words that I can't stop giggling at the antics of her kids she chooses to share. Then there is Candy, she started a blog writing her opinions of movies. I am still amazed at how much we think alike yet I am never able to articulate my own thoughts so well as she. I am humbled and grateful to be surrounded by such talent.